Otto Hess / Sydney Steller 2-Bowl Triples — Sat, Aug 31

Plan on a fun day of bowls in Milwaukee on Sat, Aug 31 at the 2-bowl triples event. This is a fast-paced game with only 12 bowls on each end–six by each team. We’ll play three games starting at 9:00 a.m. Bring your own lunch. Cost is only $5.00 per person.
Here’s what you need to do: members form their own teams, so find two other people to bowl with, but remember the vice or skip must be a woman. Teams can be all women if you choose, but a maximum of two men. If you want to bowl but don’t have a team, put your name on the board in the Milwaukee clubhouse, or send your name to the email address below, and you’ll be matched with others for a team.  We hope to have a good mix of social and competitive bowlers having a good time on Labor Day weekend. We warmly welcome Chicago and other bowlers to join the fun!
Send your entry/interest to (that’s Steve Nelson).

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