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Calling All Painters
For the first time in several years, this season we are planning to utilize the West green for league play on alternate weeks. To make the green playable, we need to do some work on the backboards including spot sanding and repainting as well as adding the rink stripes. We will also do some sanding…
Monday Night Single Leagues Begins June 6
Monday Night Singles League, open to all club members, begins June 6. Men and Women will bowl together. This is the most competitive of the leagues and is a great opportunity to improve your game. Sign-up is required. Players are handicapped so that new players can compete with experienced players. Matches begin at 6:30 PM.
Summer Party Scores Big
The summer party was held on Sunday, August 23, 2014. We had 34 members and 2 guests in attendance. Thank you to Rebecca Nguyen for preparing all of the delicious food! Anna Witt then organized a pairs game where the afternoon league bowlers chose a partner from among the evening league bowlers. There was some high-spirited play! In one…
2024 Spring Cleaning
The season is fast approaching. Like every year at this time, we need to spend some time on our greens, grounds and house to prepare for the upcoming season. Many of you have already volunteered your time to help with the new portico project and doing work on our house and grounds . Thank you…
Spring Luncheon
It’s time to get together for our annual Spring Kickoff Luncheon. The luncheon will be held this coming Saturday, May 4th in the Marcia Coles room (below Bartolatta’s Restaurant) from Noon till 2pm. This is a great opportunity to get reacquainted with fellow club members, hear about the upcoming season and have some good food….
Sports Philatelists International – Lawn Bowling Featured
MLPLBA club member Patricia Loehr authored an article in the Journal of Sports Philately featuring the sport of Lawn Bowling. To read the article, go to “Lawn Bowling: it isn’t just your Grandad’s game anymore!” The Journal of Sports Philately is a publication of Sports Philatelists International .