2013 Blind Pairs

The 2013 Blind Pairs tournament was held on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Though the 20-bowler field had to endure cool temperatures this year, the sun did come out at times during this all-day tournament, and no rain delayed any of the games.  The format this year was condensed to one day, and included four games for all bowlers, concluding with a final game played by the top two ranked skips and leads, while the rest of the field played their games to try to finish in the top 10 spots for prize money.  Two husband wife teams finished in the top ten, Dave and Viki Olsen, and Steve and Alice Sedgwick. Well done!!
Final rankings:
Championship game:
John Kirwood and Steve Sedgwick defeated Jim Cavender and Dave Olsen.
5. Alice Sedgwick (Lead) with 3 wins (15 plus points)
6. Crandall Hays (Skip) with 3 wins (5 plus points)
7. Bob Schneider (Skip) with 3 wins (0 plus points)
8. Viki Olsen (Lead) with 2 wins (10 plus points)
9.  Pat Wimmer (Skip) with 2 wins (9 plus points)
10. Leif Andresen (Skip) with 2 wins (-2 plus points)
The tournament director, Rob Behncke, thanks Bob Schneider who came early in the morning to cut and roll the East green before play. Thanks to Pat Mueller for delivering home-made scones in the morning. A hearty thanks also to Glorianne Mather for managing our lunch and desert of chocolate cake, and all those who helped set up, take down equipment, serve and put away food. Lastly, thanks to Leif Andresen for providing his experience with the computer support for skips/leads rankings, organization and assistance with tournament format. Thanks for a great annual event.

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