2015 Tournaments Begins – Butler Blind Pairs
MLPLBA hosted the Butler Blind Pairs tournament over Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 23, 2015. It was a beautiful sunny day on the greens with temps in the upper 60s and cool winds. Twenty bowlers participated. The military service of MLPBA members Bob Schneider (Air Force), Steve Sedgwick (Army) and Crandall Hays (Navy) was recognized. We also welcomed two guests, Helen and Alan Carman, from the Taieri Bowls Club near Dunedin, New Zealand.
Four games of eight ends were played by all. It was a random draw for the first game and then skips and leads were paired based on their rankings for games 2-4. Individual scores of leads and skips were tallied by win and plus points.
Accomplished bowler and honorary member, Jerry Mathwig, returned to the greens in fine form, as he continued to impress fellow bowlers with beautiful draw bowling. Dave Preston, playing in his first bowls tournament as a third year bowler, also played well. Pushing through shoulder fatigue from a past rotator cuff surgery, Alice Sedgwick proved her resolve and toughness by going undefeated and finishing in top position for the leads.
Bob Schneider also went undefeated for the day, though finished his second game in a tie, to finish in the top position for skips. The final standings were:
1. Alice Sedgewick (lead) (4-0)
2. Bob Schneider (skip) (3-1-0)
3. Tom Vanderbilt (lead) (3-1)
4. Pat Wimmer (skip) (3-1)
5. Crandall Hays (skip) (2-1-1)
Thanks to all for helping making this opening 2015 event successful, especially Leif Andresen for his help with computer support and Rebecca Nguyen for her help with preparing the lunch. Rob Behncke was tournament director.