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Good-Bye, Ted
Associate member, Ted Bailey, sold his condo in Kenosha and headed back to California where he will live year-round. Ted served as the Friday Frolics league director for four years, played in tournaments, and has been a friendly face for Milwaukee bowlers that play in California tournaments. We will miss him.
Now Accepting Membership Renewals and New Members
We welcome new, former, and current members to the 2022 season of lawn bowls in Milwaukee, WI! We offer league play, tournament play, coaching clinics, lessons, and other social events during the year to our members. Members are also eligible to participate in Division and National tournaments held throughout the year in locations like Florida,…
Sports Philatelists International – Lawn Bowling Featured
MLPLBA club member Patricia Loehr authored an article in the Journal of Sports Philately featuring the sport of Lawn Bowling. To read the article, go to “Lawn Bowling: it isn’t just your Grandad’s game anymore!” The Journal of Sports Philately is a publication of Sports Philatelists International .
Spring Luncheon
It’s time to get together for our annual Spring Kickoff Luncheon. The luncheon will be held this coming Saturday, May 4th in the Marcia Coles room (below Bartolatta’s Restaurant) from Noon till 2pm. This is a great opportunity to get reacquainted with fellow club members, hear about the upcoming season and have some good food….
Monday Night Single Leagues Begins June 6
Monday Night Singles League, open to all club members, begins June 6. Men and Women will bowl together. This is the most competitive of the leagues and is a great opportunity to improve your game. Sign-up is required. Players are handicapped so that new players can compete with experienced players. Matches begin at 6:30 PM.