Blind Pairs May 28-29

The first Club Event of the season at Lake Park Lawn Bowling Club will be held on Memorial Day weekend.  Novice and experienced bowlers are encouraged to participate. We plan a fun-filled weekend, limbering up our arms and legs while figuring out just “what” the “grass” is.  There will be two 14 end games each day.
Entry is on an individual basis. If you can only bowl one day, that’s OK. Sign up anyway and indicate which day you can participate.  Of course, if you can only play one day, you will need to find someone to fill in on the other day.  And, we do need an even number of teams, so sign up ASAP, and don’t be the odd person out.
For game 1, skips will be paired with leads by random draw. After the first game, teams will be set up according to ranking.  For example, the highest ranking lead will be paired with the lowest ranking skip. Winners will be determined first by Total Wins and secondly by Total Plus Points for each player.
Lunch is included on both days and there will be prize money.  Games start both days at 9AM.  Sign-up is required.  Cost is$20 per entry which includes lunch.  Entry deadline is Saturday May 21.  Click Blind Pairs 2011 to download entry form.

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