US Lawn Bowls Championships Underway in Seattle
Central Division champions are geared up for the 2011 US National Championships taking place at Jefferson Park LBC, Seattle Washington, August 24-28. They will compete in round robin play against division champions from the seven divisions across the country. MLPLBA bowlers pictured (l-r): Charlene Harmon (singles); Glorianne Mather/Anna Witt (pairs); Max Cavender (singles); Steve Nelson/Carl Landgren (pairs). Under clear skies the opening ceremonies kicked off the 2011 US Lawn Bowls Championship at Jefferson Park LBC in Seattle WA. The parade of division champions and a stirring rendition of the National Anthem by members of “Men with Big Bowls” were highlights of the ceremonies that were followed by a BBQ with oysters on the half shell. Totally Seattle! Competition begins Thursday, Aug 25 to Sunday, Aug 28.
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