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Open House
MLPLBA hosted two Open Houses this year. We had about 20 guests on Sunday, May 24, 2015 and another 20 guests on Friday, June 12. 2015. Overcast skies and showers moving through the area on both dates threatened to make our efforts to introduce bowls to the community a wash, but strong interest in the game…
Summer Party Scores Big
The summer party was held on Sunday, August 23, 2014. We had 34 members and 2 guests in attendance. Thank you to Rebecca Nguyen for preparing all of the delicious food! Anna Witt then organized a pairs game where the afternoon league bowlers chose a partner from among the evening league bowlers. There was some high-spirited play! In one…
Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling to Hold Open House
The Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association will hold Open House on Sunday, June 23 from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. The public is invited to attend. Our members will give you a friendly introduction to the game of lawn bowling. This is a great way to enjoy the outdoor recreation available at Lake Park…
Volunteer at the National Championships!
Be a Part of the Action: Volunteer at the National Championships! Make a difference and be at the heart of the excitement! Volunteers are essential for the smooth running of the National Championships. Join us and help create a memorable experience for athletes, attendees, and the community. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities. View…