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Reed Club Triples Tournament
The Reed Club Triples tournament was held on June 22, 2013. Twelve members participated. First place went to the team of Jack Britton, Norma Harrington, and Viki Olsen. Second place went to the team of Dave Olsen, Renee Harmon, and Margie Knitter. The event was highlighted by distinctly different weather conditions (rain, sun, fluctuating temps) for each…
Chili Bowl Results
The Chili Bowl Touranament was held on October 12, 2013. Twelve bowlers participated. They were divided into two teams and competed against each other in triples, pairs, and singles events. First place went to the team of Bob Schneider, Joe Zinna, John Kirkwood, Jim Grzybowski, Pat Wimmer, and Dat Nguyen. Thank you to Leif Andresen…
2013 Blind Pairs
The 2013 Blind Pairs tournament was held on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Though the 20-bowler field had to endure cool temperatures this year, the sun did come out at times during this all-day tournament, and no rain delayed any of the games. The format this year was condensed to one day, and included four…
Central Division Open Pairs
MLPLBA hosted this Central Division tournament on July 11-12, 2015. Five teams participated. The wife and husband team of Anna Witt and Matt de St. Aubin won the Central Pairs in a close finish. Witt and de St. Aubin played steady bowls throughout the tournament. Their only loss was by two shots in their final…
Central Division Open Singles Results
The Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association hosted the 2014 Central Division Open Singles tournament July 12-13. The results of the Championship Flight were: 1st place – Rob Behncke, 2nd place – Steve Nelson, 3rd place – Jim Cavender, 4th place – Anna Witt. Other winners were: A Flight 1st place – Max Cavender, B Flight 1st place –…