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Club Singles Tournament 2012
Milwaukee bowlers competed in the club’s 2012 Singles Tournament Saturday August 11th. Congratulations to tournament winners (pictured left to right) 3rd place – Lorraine Gebert, 1st place – Carl Landgren, 2nd place – Pat Wimmer. Also picture Glorianne Mather. Pat Wimmer lead for the majority of the game against Carl Landgren and went on to…
Blind Pairs May 28-29
The first Club Event of the season at Lake Park Lawn Bowling Club will be held on Memorial Day weekend. Novice and experienced bowlers are encouraged to participate. We plan a fun-filled weekend, limbering up our arms and legs while figuring out just “what” the “grass” is. There will be two 14 end games each…
Chili Bowl
This team tournament was held on October 10, 2015. 16 players participated and were divided into two teams of 8 players each. The teams competed against each other in Pairs and Singles competitions. The team of Carl Landgren, Rob Behncke, Jim Grzybowski, Mark Mathwig, Matt de St. Aubin, Pat Wimmer, Bob Schneider, Brian Schieble came…
Milwaukee bowlers win gold and silver at National Championships
Milwaukee represented well at the 2013 National Championships, hosted by the Santa Anita Lawn Bowling Green Club in Arcadia CA, October 16-20. Anna Witt (skip) and Rebecca Nguyen (lead) won gold with a record of 6-1 in the Womens Pairs competition. Meanwhile, Bob Schneider (skip) and Rob Behncke (lead) won silver with a record of 5-2 in the Mens Pairs…
2013 Playdowns – Men’s Pairs
This past weekend Milwaukee bowlers Bob Schneider and Rob Behncke emerged as winners of Men’s Pairs Playdowns and will represent the Central Division in the US National Championships in Arcadia California October 16-20. This annual event is competition amongst bowlers who represent Bowls USA’s seven divisions. Congratulations and best of luck to Bob and Rob.