Tuesday Odd Couple Pairs League 2024
Hi to all joining our Tuesday League from your co-directors Ken Jaglinski and Gary
Dalton! We are looking forward to a fun filled evening of Lawn Bowls, Friendly
Competition, Good Weather, Lively Conversation and a Pleasant Beverage (or 2).
Starting May 28th there will be pre-game lessons for those who want to sharpen their
skills and learn more about the game. They will begin at 6 PM and last to 6:45.
Our league officially begins May 28th . Please show up to play at 6:45 PM. Enter the
clubhouse and grab the tag with your name on it from the board located behind the
desk. Place your tag in either the SKIP (experienced) bucket, or the LEED (newbies)
bucket whichever level you feel more comfortable. We will draw from each bucket at
random to make teams. We will usually play pairs but may also play Triples, Floaters,
Cutthroat and Singles depending on the number of people attending. Starting at 7 PM,
we will play 12 ends to a match. However, teams may choose to play 10 ends
depending on their circumstances.
Scoring will be 4 points for a win, 2 points for a tie, and 1 point for a loss. We will post
standings weekly on the bulletin board and will total the points at the end of each 9-
week period. There may be surprises for the top three folks in each category but who
Dates to Remember
Pot-Luck Party night – June 18, July 23, August 27 and Sept 24th.
Please bring food to share. Expect about 25 people attending. We will begin early at 6
PM and nosh throughout the evening.
In case of inclement weather, we will send out either an email or text around 6 PM
letting you know of the cancellation.
We are always ready to hear your feedback good or bad!