
Potlicker Cup 2012

The 2012 Potlicker Cup has been scheduled for June 9th and 10th.  The Potlicker is a competitive Pairs tournament requiring an entry fee of $60 per team which includes lunch. This is open to men and women who are members of USLBA.  Winners will be awarded cash prizes. The teams and games format will be determined…

1st Veteran/Novice Tournament held at MLPLBA

15 bowlers particpated in the first Veteran/Novice tournament held at Milwaukee Lake Park LBA on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Creative lawn bowling attire was encouraged and some teams got into the spirit by wearing tie-dyed t-shirts, Hawaiian shirts, and Packers jerseys. Format of play was Australian Pairs, making the traditional designation of skip and lead irrelevant. Teams…

US Lawn Bowls Championships – Final Results and Standings

Congratulations to Anna Witt and Glorianne Mather for winning Silver in the 2011 US Lawn Bowls Championship.  Anna and Glorianne finished with a 5W/2L record in Women’s Pairs. Congratulations to Max Cavender for taking 3rd place in Men’s Singles with a 5W/2L record   Steve Nelson and Carl Landgren finished with a 3W/4L record in…

US Lawn Bowls Championships Day 1 – MLPLBA Bowlers Win 6 of 8 Matches

Central Division made a good start in round robin play at the US Lawn Bowls Championships in Seattle WA, winning six of eight matches. In the morning session Central played the Northeast Division: Singles– Max Cavender 21-4 W; Charlene Harmon 10-21 L Pairs– Anna Witt/Glorianne Mather 21-11 W; Carl Landgren/Steve Nelson 19-10 W In the…

US Lawn Bowls Championships Underway in Seattle

Central Division champions are geared up for the 2011 US National Championships taking place at Jefferson Park LBC, Seattle Washington, August 24-28. They will compete in round robin play against division champions from the seven divisions across the country.  MLPLBA bowlers pictured (l-r): Charlene Harmon (singles); Glorianne Mather/Anna Witt (pairs); Max Cavender (singles); Steve Nelson/Carl…

Schneider/Behncke/Harmon Win Central Division Open – Triples

Twenty-four bowlers from the Central Division endured thunder storms, heat and humidity Sunday August 7th in Triples competition on very challenging greens (wet, dry, then really wet!).  The competitors had the added attraction (or distraction) of thundering jets roaring directly overhead from the Milwaukee Air Show.   Congratulations to the team of Bob Schneider, Rob…

Steve Nelson Wins Central Division Open – Singles

Twelve bowlers from the Central Division competed against each other in Singles competition on extremely fast greens Saturday August 6th.  Congratulations to Steve Nelson for capturing the Singles Championship. Competitors who placed included:  1st – Steve Nelson 2nd – Leif Andresen 3rd – Glorianne Mather 4th – Tony Case (1st year bowler) 1st Flight– Max…