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Familiar winners emerge from the Central Division Playdowns
MLPLBA hosted the 2014 Central Division Playdowns tournament on August 9/10 (Pairs) and 16/17 (Singles). Men’s Pairs winners were Bob Schneider and Rob Behncke. Women’s Pairs winners were Anna Witt and Glorianne Mather. Men’s Singles winner was Max Cavender. Women’s Singles winner was Pat Wimmer. These players will represent the Central Division at the National…
Blind Pairs May 26-27
The first Club Event of the season at Lake Park Lawn Bowling Club will be held on Memorial Day weekend May 26-27. Novice and experienced bowlers are encouraged to participate. We plan a fun-filled weekend, limbering up our arms and legs while figuring out what the “grass” is. There will be two 14 end games…
One for the boys…..Otto Hess Tournament
The men had a pairs competition amongst themselves at the Otto Hess Invitational this year on September 6, 2014. Four teams participated. 1st place was won by Rob Behncke and Jim Cavender. 2nd place went to Bob Schneider and Brian Schieble. Thank you to tournament director, Rob Behncke.
2013 Playdowns – Men’s Pairs
This past weekend Milwaukee bowlers Bob Schneider and Rob Behncke emerged as winners of Men’s Pairs Playdowns and will represent the Central Division in the US National Championships in Arcadia California October 16-20. This annual event is competition amongst bowlers who represent Bowls USA’s seven divisions. Congratulations and best of luck to Bob and Rob.
Central Division Open Singles Results
The Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association hosted the 2014 Central Division Open Singles tournament July 12-13. The results of the Championship Flight were: 1st place – Rob Behncke, 2nd place – Steve Nelson, 3rd place – Jim Cavender, 4th place – Anna Witt. Other winners were: A Flight 1st place – Max Cavender, B Flight 1st place –…
US Lawn Bowls Championships Underway in Seattle
Central Division champions are geared up for the 2011 US National Championships taking place at Jefferson Park LBC, Seattle Washington, August 24-28. They will compete in round robin play against division champions from the seven divisions across the country. MLPLBA bowlers pictured (l-r): Charlene Harmon (singles); Glorianne Mather/Anna Witt (pairs); Max Cavender (singles); Steve Nelson/Carl…