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It’s Time to Bowl
Although the cool spring days of April are slow to depart, our greens keeping staff reports that the greens are now ready for use. The cool east winds off Lake Michigan are sure to depart any day now and give way to many warm sunny months. So polish up your bowls and head off to…
Annual Spring Luncheon
Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the greens dry out and temperatures warm. All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday May 5th at the Rock Bottom Brewery to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens. Please return…
Resource for Bowlers
New for 2024 The Resource for Bowlers (pdf) has been released. This excellent 50 page guide introduces bowlers to the game. It provides basic information about the game, hints and clues on proper bowl handling and gives some basic tactical advice. Be sure to review this when you join a club or just to make certain…
Max Cavender Competes at World Bowls Junior Cup in Warilla Australia
Competing in his first international lawn bowls tournament, Max Cavender, 18, of Milwaukee Wisconsin stepped into the spotlight at the World Junior Cup in Warilla Australia, April 12-20. Max competed in Group 2 against bowlers from Brunei, Canada, Guernsey, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Scotland. Playing in his third match of the tournament, Max beat…
Sports Philatelists International – Lawn Bowling Featured
MLPLBA club member Patricia Loehr authored an article in the Journal of Sports Philately featuring the sport of Lawn Bowling. To read the article, go to “Lawn Bowling: it isn’t just your Grandad’s game anymore!” The Journal of Sports Philately is a publication of Sports Philatelists International .