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2013 Playdowns – Women’s Singles
This past weekend Milwaukee bowler Pat Wimmer emerged as the winner of Women’s Singles Playdowns and will represent the Central Division in the US National Championships in Arcadia California October 16-20. This annual event is competition amongst bowlers who represent Bowls USA’s seven divisions. Congratulations and best of luck to Pat.
Potlicker Cup 2012
The 2012 Potlicker Cup has been scheduled for June 9th and 10th. The Potlicker is a competitive Pairs tournament requiring an entry fee of $60 per team which includes lunch. This is open to men and women who are members of USLBA. Winners will be awarded cash prizes. The teams and games format will be determined…
Blind Pairs Winner’s Circle
Twenty-eight bowlers played in cool temps, fog and rain over two days in the Blind Pairs tournament held over the Memorial Day weekend. Blind Pairs is the traditional kick-off event for the Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowls Club and features a unique format in which skips and leads play with different partners in each game,…
Landgren, Schneider, Hays Win 2011 Chili Bowl
14 bowlers competed in the annual Chili Bowl at the Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowls Club on Saturday October 1st. The Chili Bowl is traditionally the last tournament of the season. This year’s tournament took place under partly sunny skies and cool temps and per tradition, the long awaited hot chili was an exceptional compliment…
Heading to Seattle – Central Division Playdowns Pairs
Carl Landgren and Steve Nelson emerged as winners of men’s pairs playdowns and will represent the Central Division in the US National Championships to be held in Seattle August 23-28. Women’s pairs will be represented by Anna Witt and Glorianne Mather. Central Division Singles Playdowns are scheduled for July 9th and 10th. Check out the…
Otto Hess / Sydney Steller 2-Bowl Triples — Sat, Aug 31
Plan on a fun day of bowls in Milwaukee on Sat, Aug 31 at the 2-bowl triples event. This is a fast-paced game with only 12 bowls on each end–six by each team. We’ll play three games starting at 9:00 a.m. Bring your own lunch. Cost is only $5.00 per person. Here’s what you need to do: members form…