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Otto Hess/Sydney Steller 2-Bowl Triples Winners
The Otto Hess/Sydney Steller 2-Bowl Triples event was held on Saturday Aug 31st. Congratulations to winners: 1st- Rob Behncke, Tiff Reilly, Steve Sedgwick (pictured above) 2nd- Pat Wimmer, Crandall Hays, Marg Knitter 3rd- John Kirkwood, Alice Sedgwick, Steve Thomas 4th- Jim Grzybowski, Rebecca Nguyen, Dat Nguyen
Central Division Playdown Results – USLBA Nationals
The Central division play down tournaments have concluded. The following players from the Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association will represent the Central division and compete at the 2011 U.S. National Lawn Bowling Championship Tournament to be held at Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club in Seattle, WA, August 23-28. Congratulations and best of luck to…
Team Schneider/Behncke Win 2012 Central Division Open Pairs
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US Lawn Bowls Championships Day 3 – Rough Day on the Greens
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Team Nelson/Landgren Win 2013 Central Division Open Pairs
The Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association hosted the 2013 Central Division Open Pairs Tournament July 13-14. Congratulations to Men’s Pairs tournament winners: 1st place Steve Nelson / Carl Landgren (pictured), 2nd place Bob Schneider/Paul Legwinski, 3rd place Jimmie Wolterman/Jeff Wolterman. Thanks to tournament coordinator Leif Andresen for a successfully run event.
2013 Playdowns – Women’s Pairs
This past weekend Milwaukee bowlers Anna Witt and Rebecca Nguyen emerged as winners of Women’s Pairs Playdowns and will represent the Central Division in the US National Championships in Arcadia California October 16-20. This annual event is competition amongst bowlers who represent Bowls USA’s seven divisions. Congratulations and best of luck to Anna and Rebecca.