2016 Lawn Bowls Season Kicks Off
The Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association had its annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday, May 21 followed by a pick up game on the green in Lake Park to mark Opening Day of the 2016.
Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Club
Milwaukee Lawn Bowling
MLPLBA hosted two Open Houses this year. We had about 20 guests on Sunday, May 24, 2015 and another 20 guests on Friday, June 12. 2015. Overcast skies and showers moving through the area on both dates threatened to make our efforts to introduce bowls to the community a wash, but strong interest in the game…
It’s time to get together for our annual Spring Kickoff Luncheon. The luncheon will be held this coming Saturday, May 4th in the Marcia Coles room (below Bartolatta’s Restaurant) from Noon till 2pm. This is a great opportunity to get reacquainted with fellow club members, hear about the upcoming season and have some good food….
Monday Night Singles League, open to all club members, begins June 6. Men and Women will bowl together. This is the most competitive of the leagues and is a great opportunity to improve your game. Sign-up is required. Players are handicapped so that new players can compete with experienced players. Matches begin at 6:30 PM.
We had 16 entrants. The winning team was Jim Grzybowski (skip) and Jerry Mathwig (lead), defeating Crandall Hays (skip) and Min Waite (lead). After the winning team, each player was ranked according to wins and plus points. Crandall finished third, Min fourth, Brian Schieble fifth, and Carl Landgren sixth.
We held our Annual Meeting of the Membership on October 31, 2015. Club business was discussed and elections were held. The following members will serve as officers for a 1-year term: President – Rebecca Nguyen; Vice President – Crandall Hays; Secretary – Anna Witt; Treasurer – Margie Knitter. The following members were elected to 3-year terms as Directors:…