Lawn Bowling Season to Start May31
Our lawn bowling season will start May 31. Please see the Calendar for updates.
Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Club
Milwaukee Lawn Bowling
Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the snow melts, greens dry out and temperatures warm. All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday May 4th at the Hilton Milwaukee River to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens….
The season is fast approaching. Like every year at this time, we need to spend some time on our greens, grounds and house to prepare for the upcoming season. Many of you have already volunteered your time to help with the new portico project and doing work on our house and grounds . Thank you…
We had 16 entrants. The winning team was Jim Grzybowski (skip) and Jerry Mathwig (lead), defeating Crandall Hays (skip) and Min Waite (lead). After the winning team, each player was ranked according to wins and plus points. Crandall finished third, Min fourth, Brian Schieble fifth, and Carl Landgren sixth.
A reminder that Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowls Club membership fees for 2011 are due by April 15th. All club members are reminded to complete the form that you received in the mail in early March and indicate league participation interests. Please return completed forms and fees to Glorianne Mather.
Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the greens dry out and temperatures warm. All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday April 30th to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens. Please return the luncheon reservation form that…
The 2012 lawn bowling season is right around the corner. While we wait in anticipation for favorable weather and greens, please take a moment to complete your membership renewal. Refer to the Membership Form 2012 for more information. Include your membership and league preferences with check and return to Roger Senn before May 1st.