Author: Gary Dalton


Spring Work Days

We need to get our facilities prepared for the 2020 season. We have work days at the greens and clubhouse scheduled for Saturday, April 16 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Tasks include installing the porch awning, raking, gardening,  repairing benches, moving sand off of the…

Now Accepting Membership Renewals and New Members

We welcome new, former, and current members to the 2022 season of lawn bowls in Milwaukee, WI! We offer league play, tournament play, coaching clinics, lessons, and other social events during the year to our members. Members are also eligible to participate in Division and National tournaments held throughout the year in locations like Florida,…

2015 Annual Meeting of the Membership

We held our Annual Meeting of the Membership on October 31, 2015.  Club business was discussed and elections were held. The following members will serve as officers for a 1-year term: President – Rebecca Nguyen; Vice President – Crandall Hays; Secretary – Anna Witt; Treasurer – Margie Knitter. The following members were elected to 3-year terms as Directors:…