
2015 Annual Meeting of the Membership

We held our Annual Meeting of the Membership on October 31, 2015.  Club business was discussed and elections were held. The following members will serve as officers for a 1-year term: President – Rebecca Nguyen; Vice President – Crandall Hays; Secretary – Anna Witt; Treasurer – Margie Knitter. The following members were elected to 3-year terms as Directors:…


Good-Bye, Ted

Associate member, Ted Bailey, sold his condo in Kenosha and headed back to California where he will live year-round. Ted served as the Friday Frolics league director for four years, played in tournaments, and has been a friendly face for Milwaukee bowlers that play in California tournaments. We will miss him.

Tuesday Afternoon Open Bowling

Tuesday Afternoon is open bowling at the Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowling Association. Men and women bowl together on pairs or triples teams.  Team composition is determined by the number of people and skill level of those present to bowl each Tuesday.  Club members pictured (Rear Row Left-to-Right) Norma Harrington, Shirley Burmester, Phil Posard, Elaine Posard, Gerri…

Annual Spring Luncheon

Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the greens dry out and temperatures warm.  All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday May 5th at the Rock Bottom Brewery to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens.  Please return…

2012 Membership Renewals

The 2012 lawn bowling season is right around the corner.  While we wait in anticipation for favorable weather and greens, please take a moment to complete your membership renewal. Refer to the Membership Form 2012 for more information.  Include your membership and league preferences with check and return to Roger Senn  before May 1st.