Member Resources
Here you’ll find where to access the information you’ll need to stay informed connected and active within our club.
Milwaukee Lawn Bowling App
Registration and login required. From the Milwaukee Lawn Bowling App, you access
- The Member’s Directory,
- Your membership subscription, status, and order history
- The Message Management Center where you manage your email, text, and application notifications from here.
- Live Scorecards and live scoring
- League participation, results, and statistics
- Tournament registration, participation, history, and results
- Volunteer opportunities and participation
- Group Event registration and order history
Basics of the Game
The Resources for Bowlers is an excellent 50 page guide that introduces bowlers to the game. It provides basic information about the game, hints and clues on proper bowl handling and gives some basic tactical advice. Be sure to review this when you join a club or just to make certain you have all the basics covered.
The basic equipment and terminology is described on The Game. A more thorough explanation is found in the Introduction To Lawn Bowls brochure. The rules are detailed in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.
Our Club emailed newsletters, along with Bowls USA and World Bowls newsletter, are available online. Here’s how to find them.
Purchasing Bowls
Review our Purchasing Bowls information. It is a rewarding process and a great investment to obtain your own set of bowls. Some models of bowls are not very well suited for the speed of our outdoor green, so you don’t want to make the mistake of choosing a draw line that will frustrate you. Most bowls last for a good 30 years if taken care of, and have decent resale value, if you decide the bowl doesn’t work for you or if you are hoping to purchase used bowls.
Bylaws, Policies, Etc.
How we operate:
- MLPLBA bylaws – amended 10.31.2015
- MLPLBA Policies and Procedures – updated 2015
- MLPLBA Code of Conduct – updated 2015
Playing On the Green:
- Code of Bowling Etiquette
- Hand Signals
- Sheet and Mat position
- MLPLBA Green, Rink, Direction of Play Schedule – east
Taking Care of the Green:
In the Clubhouse:
Treasurer Items:
Coaching Clinics
We offer a series of 4 free Coaching Clinics to teach/review the fundamentals of our game. All members are welcome to participate and we especially encourage our novice bowlers (2 years or less of experience) to take part. The lessons are hands on. You’ll be learning as you play.
- How should I deliver the bowl to minimize wobble?
- What happens if both leads throw the jack out of bounds?
- My skip is giving me hand signals, but I have no idea what they mean!
- What are some drills I can do for practice?
We’ll answer these questions and more!
It would be great if you can make it to all the clinic sessions, but even if you can just make it to one, we welcome you. Each is 45 minutes long.
What You’ll Learn
- Mat and Delivery
- Jack
- Line Adjustment and Weight Control
- Player Positions and Roles
Registration and Schedule
Please inform us if any of these links are dead or incorrect or if you have some other links you think should be added.
International Directory
General Information and Rules
Greens Construction and Maintenance
- Haley/Caulkins Master Lawn Bowling Green Constructors
- True Draw Bowls Surfaces
- Oxnard-Joslyn Lawn Bowls Green Maintenance Manual