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MLPLBA 2011 Membership
A reminder that Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowls Club membership fees for 2011 are due by April 15th. All club members are reminded to complete the form that you received in the mail in early March and indicate league participation interests. Please return completed forms and fees to Glorianne Mather.
2012 Membership Renewals
The 2012 lawn bowling season is right around the corner. While we wait in anticipation for favorable weather and greens, please take a moment to complete your membership renewal. Refer to the Membership Form 2012 for more information. Include your membership and league preferences with check and return to Roger Senn before May 1st.
Annual Spring Luncheon
Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the greens dry out and temperatures warm. All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday April 30th to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens. Please return the luncheon reservation form that…
Spring Work Days
We need to get our facilities prepared for the 2020 season. We have work days at the greens and clubhouse scheduled for Saturday, April 16 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Tasks include installing the porch awning, raking, gardening, repairing benches, moving sand off of the…
Sports Philatelists International – Lawn Bowling Featured
MLPLBA club member Patricia Loehr authored an article in the Journal of Sports Philately featuring the sport of Lawn Bowling. To read the article, go to “Lawn Bowling: it isn’t just your Grandad’s game anymore!” The Journal of Sports Philately is a publication of Sports Philatelists International .