Club News

Potlicker Cup 2012

The 2012 Potlicker Cup has been scheduled for June 9th and 10th.  The Potlicker is a competitive Pairs tournament requiring an entry fee of $60 per team which includes lunch. This is open to men and women who are members of USLBA.  Winners will be awarded cash prizes. The teams and games format will be determined…

Annual Spring Luncheon

Our long winter hibernation is over and everyone is looking forward to bowling once the greens dry out and temperatures warm.  All club members are invited to the annual Spring Luncheon on Saturday May 5th at the Rock Bottom Brewery to catch up and look forward to another great season on the greens.  Please return…

2012 Membership Renewals

The 2012 lawn bowling season is right around the corner.  While we wait in anticipation for favorable weather and greens, please take a moment to complete your membership renewal. Refer to the Membership Form 2012 for more information.  Include your membership and league preferences with check and return to Roger Senn  before May 1st.

Bob Schneider Selected for 2012 North American Challenge

Congratulations to Milwaukee Lake Park Lawn Bowls Association member Bob Schneider on being selected to represent the U. S. in international lawn bowls competition in 2012 as part of Team USA.  Team USA represents the U.S. in major world lawn bowling events.  Men and women team members are carefully selected based on their demonstrated ability…

1st Veteran/Novice Tournament held at MLPLBA

15 bowlers particpated in the first Veteran/Novice tournament held at Milwaukee Lake Park LBA on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Creative lawn bowling attire was encouraged and some teams got into the spirit by wearing tie-dyed t-shirts, Hawaiian shirts, and Packers jerseys. Format of play was Australian Pairs, making the traditional designation of skip and lead irrelevant. Teams…